Locations & Schedule

Nearby Workouts

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You a map person? Check out our locations geospatially on the map.

Still not sure? Send us an email and we'll help get you plugged in.


Mondays 5:15 AM

Franklin D. Roosevelt Park
1615 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95814 

Contact: f3sactown+statehouse@gmail.com

The Rock

Tuesdays 5:15 AM

Granite Regional Park
8160 Ramona Ave
Sacramento, CA 95826 

Contact: f3sactown+therock@gmail.com

The American

Wednesdays 5:30 AM

Oak Meadow Park
2920 Kadema Dr
Sacramento, CA 95864

Contact: f3sactown+theamerican@gmail.com

The Oak

Wednesdays 5:15 AM

Oak Meadow Park
2920 Kadema Dr
Sacramento, CA 95864

Contact: f3sactown+theoak@gmail.com

Camp West

Thursdays 5:15 AM

Blackbird Park
3765 Hovnanian Dr
Sacramento, CA 95834

Contact: f3sactown+campwest@gmail.com

The River

Wednesdays 5:15 AM

Glenbrook Park
8500 La Riviera Dr
Sacramento CA 95826

Contact: f3sactown+theriver@gmail.com

The Burbs

Thursdays 7:00 PM

Arden Park
1000 La Sierra Dr
Sacramento, CA 95864

Contact: f3sactown+theburbs@gmail.com


Fridays 5:15 AM

McKinley Park
3300 Park Way
Sacramento, CA, 95816

Contact: f3sactown+mckinley@gmail.com


Fridays 5:15 AM

McKinley Park
3300 Park Way
Sacramento, CA, 95816

Contact: f3sactown+ironstride@gmail.com

The Refinery

Saturdays 6:30 AM

McKinley Park
3300 Park Way
Sacramento, CA, 95816

Contact: f3sactown+therefinery@gmail.com

AOs a Little Further Away

If you're near Sacramento, but not quite close enough, check out some of our neighboring F3 regions to see if they're closer.

Elk Grove, CA: https://f3delta.com
Folsom, CA: http://f3southfork.com/
Citrus Heights, CA: http://www.f3asgard.com

Roseville, CA: https://f3goldrush.com

Lincoln, CA: https://f3terracotta.com/

Plumas Lake, CA: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094929456406

Auburn: https://www.f3rubicon.com

Grass Valley, CA: http://f3northstar.com/

Dates and locations last updated/verified: 11/14/24